In the Shivering-Isles Infrastructure Keycloak is the central identity provider. It allows users to manage their sessions and provides Multi-Factor authentication for all services.
The Keycloak instance is usually referred to as "SI-Auth". The Shivering-Isles realm contains the user-base. The Keycloak system realm, called "Master," administrates the Shivering-Isles realm.
While the Shivering-Isles realm is accessible over the internet, allowing easy access and authentication from everywhere in the world, the "master" realm is only accessible through the local-network administration endpoint. This reduces the risk of a take over, even if an attacker compromises credentials.
Authentication configuration
To allow Multi-Factor-Authentication (MFA) a copy of the web browser flow was adjusted to account for WebAuthn and TOTP-based MFA.
The official Keycloak documentation describes the basics to set up WebAuthn as MFA flow.
While Passwordless authentication is prepared to be rolled out, some experimentation showed that the authentication flow becomes too complex.
For some apps, like Paperless, there is also an adjusted authentication flow using step-up authentication. This helps to enforce authentication in shorter periods of time, making it easy to keep SSO sessions long, while privileged access has much shorter authentication windows.
Google Login
Recently the use of third-party login systems was added in form of allowing Google Authentication to be used. Most importantly, one can not sign-up using Google Authentication, but link it to an existing Account. This allows the usage of Google Authentication with a SI-Auth account reducing the friction introduced by Authentication. Especially for Friends and Family members that are not pushing for maximum account security and struggle with MFA, this is a safe option given Google good track record of protecting from account take-overs and the device authentication integration with Android.
Using SI-Auth instead of allowing direct authentication through Google on apps directly, ensures that no accounts actually depend on Google and migrations to non-social or different social logins are easily possible.