Mail on Kubernetes (MoK) is a project to deploy a functional mailserver that runs without a database server on Kubernetes, taking advantage of configmaps and secret.
Name | Url | |
Sheogorath | |
Source Code
Key | Type | Default | Description |
deniedSenders | list | [] | list of rejected email addresses or domains. See values.yaml for Details |
domains | object | {} | list of configured domains and users. See values.yaml for details. |
dovecot.affinity | object | {} | |
dovecot.image.pullPolicy | string | "IfNotPresent" | |
dovecot.image.repository | string | "" | dovecot container image |
dovecot.image.tag | string | "2.3.21" | Overrides the image tag whose default is "latest" |
dovecot.imagePullSecrets | list | [] | pull secret to access the afore defined image |
dovecot.nodeSelector | object | {} | |
dovecot.podAnnotations | object | {} | |
dovecot.podSecurityContext | object | {} | |
dovecot.replicaCount | int | 1 | Number of Dovecot pods. Important: With the current configuration, it's not recommended to scale beyond 1 |
dovecot.resources.limits.cpu | string | "500m" | |
dovecot.resources.limits.memory | string | "512Mi" | |
dovecot.resources.requests.cpu | string | "100m" | |
dovecot.resources.requests.memory | string | "128Mi" | |
dovecot.securityContext.allowPrivilegeEscalation | bool | false | |
dovecot.securityContext.capabilities.add[0] | string | "SYS_CHROOT" | required to setup chroot for dovecot |
dovecot.securityContext.capabilities.add[1] | string | "CHOWN" | required to set up file structure |
dovecot.securityContext.capabilities.add[2] | string | "NET_BIND_SERVICE" | required to bind privileged ports in the container, such as 993, 143, 24, etc. |
dovecot.securityContext.capabilities.add[3] | string | "SETUID" | required to drop privileges with dovecot process |
dovecot.securityContext.capabilities.add[4] | string | "SETGID" | required to drop privileges with dovecot process |
dovecot.securityContext.capabilities.add[5] | string | "FOWNER" | required to create spool directories |
dovecot.securityContext.capabilities.add[6] | string | "KILL" | required by management process to keep subprocesses in check |
dovecot.securityContext.capabilities.drop[0] | string | "ALL" | required to drop privileges by default |
dovecot.securityContext.runAsNonRoot | bool | false | |
dovecot.service.internal.type | string | "ClusterIP" | type of the public endpoint for lmtp, metrics, authentication |
dovecot.service.public.type | string | "LoadBalancer" | type of the public endpoint for pop3, imap, and sieve Note: It's configured to share the IP with postfix in case of metallb |
dovecot.tls.secretName | string | "nil" | secret holding the TLS keys for dovecot. Required |
dovecot.tolerations | list | [] | |
dovecot.volumes.vmail.accessModes | list | ["ReadWriteMany"] | Volume access mode, using ReadWriteMany in order to prepare setup with dovcecot director | | string | "5Gi" | |
dovecot.volumes.vmail.volumeMode | string | "Filesystem" | |
fullnameOverride | string | "" | |
nameOverride | string | "" | |
networkPolicy.create | bool | true | Create NetworkPolicies to access the mailserver from outside |
postfix.affinity | object | {} | |
postfix.hostname | string | nil | explicitly set postfix hostname |
postfix.image.pullPolicy | string | "IfNotPresent" | |
postfix.image.repository | string | "" | postfix container image |
postfix.image.tag | string | "3.9.1" | Overrides the image tag whose default is "latest" |
postfix.imagePullSecrets | list | [] | |
postfix.nodeSelector | object | {} | |
postfix.podAnnotations | object | {} | |
postfix.podDisruptionBudget.enabled | bool | true | Enable PodDisruptionBudget if replicaCount is set to > 2 |
postfix.podSecurityContext | object | {} | |
postfix.postscreen.cidr | string | "" | CIDR that is allowed to use Proxy protocol on port 10025 |
postfix.postscreen.enabled | bool | false | Enable proxy protocol support |
postfix.replicaCount | int | 1 | Number of postfix pods. |
postfix.resources.limits.cpu | string | "500m" | |
postfix.resources.limits.memory | string | "512Mi" | |
postfix.resources.requests.cpu | string | "100m" | |
postfix.resources.requests.memory | string | "128Mi" | |
postfix.securityContext.allowPrivilegeEscalation | bool | false | prevent any process in the container to regain capabilities once dropped |
postfix.securityContext.capabilities.add[0] | string | "SYS_CHROOT" | required to setup chroot with postfix |
postfix.securityContext.capabilities.add[1] | string | "CHOWN" | required to adjust ownership of files using supervisord |
postfix.securityContext.capabilities.add[2] | string | "NET_BIND_SERVICE" | required to bind privileged ports like 25, 465, 587 |
postfix.securityContext.capabilities.add[3] | string | "SETUID" | required to change user id as supervisord as well as postfix |
postfix.securityContext.capabilities.add[4] | string | "SETGID" | required to change group id as supervisord as well as postfix |
postfix.securityContext.capabilities.add[5] | string | "FOWNER" | required to set up the chroot directory on startup |
postfix.securityContext.capabilities.add[6] | string | "DAC_OVERRIDE" | required to setup TLS and alike |
postfix.securityContext.capabilities.drop[0] | string | "ALL" | getting rid of all capabilities since we already have too many |
postfix.securityContext.runAsNonRoot | bool | false | |
postfix.service.public.externalTrafficPolicy | string | "Local" | |
postfix.service.public.type | string | "LoadBalancer" | type of the public endpoint for smtp, submission, and submissions. Note: It's configured to share the IP with dovecot in case of metallb |
postfix.tls.secretName | string | "nil" | secret holding the TLS keys for postfix. Required |
postfix.tolerations | list | [] | |
postfix.volumes.spool.accessModes[0] | string | "ReadWriteOnce" | | | string | "1Gi" | |
relay.relayHosts | object | {} | relay hosts used as part of the deployment |
relay.saslPasswords | object | {} | passwords for the relay hosts |
relay.tlsPolicies | string | "" | tls policy in postfix |
serviceAccount.annotations | object | {} | |
serviceAccount.create | bool | true | | | string | "" |
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